Tuesday, April 10, 2007

What is MICE?

I noticed many people started to ask what MICE industry is.
So let’s define what the acronym MICE stand for
It is for 4 key for the meetings industry segments

M-Meetings which include all type of meetings

I-Incentive travel and incentive meetings

C-Conference in some countries stand for Conventions, in USA stands for Congress

E-Exhibitions also referred to as Trade Shows, and in some countries the E stands for Events

MICE industry deep-rooted industry but there was no awareness of the importance of this industry in the Middle East and the Arab world in general until lately
We can say it is a part of the tourism industry but it is huge part there is no official statistics for the MICE industry and it is economic contribution, but I am sure if we look at this industry close enough it will not be less than 40% of the tourism industry.
Now the trend world wide is to use meetings industry as a name of the whole MICE industry since every meeting, inactive travel, conference and exhibition at the end is a meeting or gathering of people for different aims.


Anonymous said...

Amazing.. Very interesting, I can see how MICE industry is growing these days in the ME, especially in the UAE: AD and Dubai. It grabbed my attention..
Thanks a lot for the enlightenment, I read your other How-to article, and its comments below were just as good.

adevents said...

thanks Mipovia fo rur nice comments, i was trying to read ur blog but i can not open it i dont know why
however what is Mipovia or who is Mipovia?